Why I ditched my eco-friendly blog and started writing about money

Back in 2011, I started a blog. I had just moved from France to Norway and was passionate about saving the planet. The blog was about implementing habits to save resources, like how to consume less water and electricity, how to make things, or buy them second hand, instead of new, and so on.

It’s 11 years later, and I have changed. Being mindful of the environment is still among my core values, but it isn’t as much part of my identity as it used to be. At that time, it was probably the main thing that defined me. I would go to great lengths to avoid buying something new, even if that meant paying more than for a brand new product. I would spend hours researching, finding, commuting and picking up the precious second-hand treasure.

It’s possible I made myself a little unhappy back then, and travelling by airplane to visit my family would cause a lot of guilt. So when I tell you I have changed, it’s for the better. I’m still happy to buy something used when I can, but now at age 35, I have understood a couple of things:

  • I won’t save the planet on my own. I might as well enjoy life.
  •  My time is precious. They say time is money, and I’m willing to make the most of both. More money means more free time to me.

A consequence of thriving to avoid wasting resources, and avoid thoughtless consumerism, is that I have saved a lot of money the past 10-15 years. I’m really thankful for it today, as it has given me an edge on my path towards financial freedom.

Last year I entered a new phase of my life: I decided I wanted to work less, and spend more time on creative outlets, that make me truly happy. Subsequently I spent the past year learning how to make the most out of my saved money… and saving some more.

It sometimes implies making choices that are more motivated by this urge to live a freer life, not subjected by the rules of capitalism, aka to work full time by necessity. In their own way, these are “my green choices”. But like I said, being mindful of the environment is still part of my values.

As a result, the money-saving tips I offer on this blog are colored by the lifestyle that I’ve led over the past ten years. Other articles will be about how to be money smart, period. Since I live in Norway, some tips will be specific to that country, but I hope that you will learn something wherever you are.

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