Who am I?

I moved to Norway in 2011 at age 23, starting as an unpaid intern in a public library. In other words, I know the struggle of being a brand new resident in one of the most expensive countries in the world. Also know the bummer of having to pay a lot of taxes after my first year of working at a low-paid job. Luckily I’ve always been good at both saving money and learning languages, and that has taken me to where I am know: explaining Norwegian crowns to other foreigners from the apartment I managed to buy after 7 years, without having a go-to person to ask about the in and out of real estate.

In 2021, I started to educate myself about money as a way to be more financially free and spend more time doing [insert something creative]. I’m equally passionate about sharing what I learned along the way, to new and less new residents in Norway.

Me playing ukulele for my parents’dog
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